Doris Alftan with a Volvo Sport Amazon, 1965. SLS/Erik och Doris Alftans arkiv. 

Our publishing

We have been publishing scientific literature and non-fiction since 1886.

Our goal is to spread knowledge about Finland-Swedish culture and provide an attractive publishing channel for research in the humanities and social sciences. We publish books in fields related to history, philosophy, art, music, ethnology, literature, language, and society.

Our publications include submitted manuscripts, writings, archival materials, commissioned works and online editions. We also publish translations and cooperate actively with publishers in Finland and Sweden.


Our main series is Skrifter utgivna av Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (SSLS). Everything published in the series undergoes peer-review. The SLS Varia series, launched in 2018, includes publications with a more popular science profile. Publishing decisions are made by our Publishing Committee, which brings together experts in the humanities and social sciences. From 2024, we will also be publishing the popular science book series Värt att veta, where researchers present a thought-provoking topic in 60 pages.


All books are also published digitally, either immediately or after a certain period of time, and we place great emphasis on accessibility issues. In 2023, we were the first publisher in Finland to be awarded the Benetech Global Certified Accessible™ (GCA) accessibility certificate. Benetech works non-profit and globally for equal learning opportunities and issues the certificate to publishers who produce epubs that fulfil all accessibility requirements.

You can read most of our publications from 1886 until today digitally, all free and open to everyone.

Interested in foreign rights to our publications?

Please contact Head of Publishing Patricia Berg